One of the easiest ways to support families struggling with energy costs is through Operation Fuel’s Add-a-Dollar program, where we partner with utility providers so customers can conveniently add a one-time or monthly donation to their utility bill, and the providers send your donation to us so we can use it to help families. 100% of the money collected for the Add-a-Dollar program goes directly to providing energy assistance for Connecticut households.

Choose one of our energy partners below to learn more and begin powering your Connecticut neighbors in need.
Every dollar you contribute is tax-deductible, and Eversource sends 100% of all donations to Operation Fuel to be used for energy assistance grants. You can remove a monthly contribution at any time.
Add $1 to your monthly bill payment and CNG will match 50% of this tax-deductible contribution. To contribute more than $1, please call our Customer Care Center at (860-524-8361) for Greater Hartford residents & (203-869-6900) for Greenwich. The representatives will set up a recurring payment for any amount you designate. This recurring donation will appear on your monthly statement.
Add $1 to your monthly bill payment and CNG will match 50% of this tax-deductible contribution. To contribute more than $1, please call our Customer Care Center at (860-659-8299). The representatives will set up a recurring payment for any amount you designate. This recurring donation will appear on your monthly statement.
Customers can contribute to helping other MDC customers in need by donating to the Customer Assistance Program online when paying their monthly bill. A $1, $5, or $10 donation can be added to your payment as a one-time or recurring contribution. 100% of the funds collected go directly to providing water assistance. For assistance on how to donate through your MDC bill, contact customer service at (860-278-7850) & press option